Veneers - Phoenix, AZ

Get a Perfect Smile Makeover Now!


Veneers At Solterra Dentistry

Are you tired of hiding your smile because of chipped, cracked, or stained teeth? Do you want to transform your smile into a work of art? Look no further than veneers!

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance. They can correct cosmetic issues, including chipped, cracked, or stained teeth. Veneers are designed to match the color and shape of your natural teeth, creating a seamless and natural-looking result.

woman comparing shades with her new veneers
woman comparing shades with her new veneers

The Benefits of Veneers

Veneers offer several benefits beyond simply improving the appearance of the teeth and smile. Firstly, they are a minimally invasive procedure that can transform your smile in just a few visits to the dentist. Unlike other cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental implants or bridges, veneers do not require surgery or the removal of healthy tooth structures.

Secondly, veneers can correct various cosmetic issues, from minor chips and cracks to more severe discoloration and misalignment. They can also close gaps between teeth and improve the overall symmetry and proportion of the smile.

Finally, veneers are designed to last many years with proper care and maintenance. They are made from durable, high-quality materials resistant to staining and discoloration. This means you can enjoy a beautiful, natural-looking smile for many years.

The Veneers Procedure

The veneer procedure typically involves several steps. First, the dentist will evaluate your teeth and determine if veneers are the right choice. If so, they will create a customized treatment plan and take impressions of your teeth to create the veneers.

Next, the dentist will prepare your teeth for the veneers by removing a small amount of enamel from the front of the teeth. This will create a rough surface for the veneers to bond to. The dentist will then take another impression of your teeth and send it to a lab where your veneers will be fabricated.

Once your veneers are ready, the dentist will bond them to the front of your teeth using a unique adhesive. They will then use a curing light to harden the sealant and secure the veneers. The dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit and natural-looking result.

Caring for Your Veneers

Caring for your veneers is easy and straightforward. Brush and floss your teeth as usual, and avoid biting down on hard or crunchy foods that could damage the veneers. It's also important to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings to ensure your veneers are in good condition and prevent oral health problems.

The Cost of Veneers

The cost of veneers can vary depending on various factors, including the number of veneers needed, the materials used, and the location of the dental practice. However, veneers are a cost-effective cosmetic dentistry option that can provide long-lasting results and improve your overall quality of life.

man smiling with perfect veneers
man smiling with perfect veneers

The Magic of Veneers in Phoenix, AZ

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth? Do you have chipped, cracked, or stained teeth that make you self-conscious when you smile? If so, veneers may be the perfect solution for you!

Veneers are a safe, effective, and minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry procedure that can boost your smile and self-confidence. Using custom-made shells bonded to the front of your teeth, veneers can correct various cosmetic issues and create a beautiful, natural-looking result.

At Solterra Dentistry, our experienced dental professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve. Whether you need veneers or another cosmetic dentistry procedure, we have the expertise and technology to deliver outstanding results.

Don't let dental imperfections hold you back any longer. Contact us today at (602) 788-0730 or visit us here to schedule a consultation with Dr. Manov and his team. They will evaluate your teeth and develop a personalized treatment plan for your unique needs and goals.

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